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© Macris Consultants

Human Factors Expert: (860) 572-0043
Home Safety


Safety and Human Factors

Safety and Human Factors focus on human performance and behaviors. The discipline of Human Factors is a marriage of the principles, utilized in engineering and psychology acknowledging the premise that things do not exist in a vacuum in which they are invented by, used by, and often times surrounded by people. With that in mind, there are rules, laws, and standards that govern a human’s safe interaction in the world. There is a unique relationship between the disciplines of Safety and Human Factors not realized in each discipline alone, which is what a Human Factors specialist from A.C. Macris Consultants can bring to your team.

It's all about people hurting themselves because of defective designs, defective products, in-attention on the part of supervisors, and ineffective warnings.

Industrial Safety

Industrial Safety is a complex issue. Typically when industrial accidents occur, OSHA or the affected company conducts an assessment to determine where compliance with safety regulations failed. We provide a different perspective, and approach industrial safety accidents and injuries from a behavioral and human interaction perspective. This behavioral approach reveals not only violations, but provides insights into the problem including procedures, equipment, training and education, and culture.

For more information or to inquire about working with us, feel free to contact us.